Domino's Emoji Literacy Cards

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When I got an email from Domino's saying that I could get a pack of Emoji Literacy Cards, I signed up real quick... also with the fact that they had limited supply. But I'm so happy I was able to get a physical pack before they ran out.

If you watch TV or are online most of the time, you would have seen Domino's in recent news and commercials really supportive of the Emoji movement, going as far as letting you text or tweet to them using the Emoji pizza icon... How cool is that. 

But most importantly, I wanted these cards to see how good I am at Emoji Literacy. I really think Im great but once getting these cards and actually testing myself, I realized I could get some more learning on what the icons mean or it was just the fact that some pictures can have double meanings or just don't make since all together. (Look down below to see what I mean by testing your Emoji literacy)

Here is a link to watch the official PSA, get the flashcards and even test your Emoji knowledge... All you need now is a hot pizza and your good to go.

PS: Domino's really needs to put a Vegan Pizza option on their menu... I'm just saying!

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Guess These Emoji Card Meanings
Round 1:
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(L-R) Happy holidays | drama queen |Smells Fishy | books | french kiss

Round 2:
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(L-R) hey girl,hey | relaxing | trying to work out | to corny | lots of hay

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